Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Main Story Walkthrough: Prologue (Limsa Lominsa)

Welcome to Limsa Lominsa!

Ryssfloh, one of Limsa Lominsa's finest.

For those choosing to begin your journey as a Marauder or an Arcanist, your story begins in the port city of Limsa Lominsa.

Trade and piracy are big around these parts, so it'd be best if you stepped carefully around the beautiful white limestone of the city's pathways. Before long you are approached by a man named Ryssfloh.

The lift is inside, operated by Grehfarr.

Ryssfloh points out that you need to register at the Adventurer's Guild, and he kindly directs you to the lift so you can head to a bar known as the Drowning Wench. The bar doubles as the Adventurer's Guild, and you'll find yourself routinely coming back here quite often.

Make your way to the lift and head on up.

Baderon operates the Drowning Wench, and by extension, the guild.

In the Drowning Wench, you will find Baderon running the place. Speaking with him will result in a brief conversation introducing you, and of course, completing your registration.

He'll ask for your name, and a clip will play that results in your first real encounter with the Yellowjackets.

Time to get to know the city.

Baderon will come to the conclusion that you need time to get used to the layout of the city and the inner-workings throughout. What better way than through a number of delivery tasks?

He asks you to check out the town's aetheryte, a guild related to your class, and to check in on a merchant friend.

Niniya is literally right over your shoulder.

Another person he mentions is a woman named Niniya, a veteran adventurer who aims to help you see the sights by requesting you to perform a task for her.

Picking up some herbs isn't a problem, so go ahead and make your way back down through the lift that you entered with.

I wonder which way I should go...?

Getting off the lift, you'll see a trail of glimmering lights. This is your introduction to field interactions. These glimmers are interaction points, and by examining them, you'll gather the herbs needed for Niniya's request.

Follow them out the door and you'll find quite the sight before you...

Be sure to attune yourself to new crystals whenever possible.

The massive spinning crystal you'll find outside is an aetheryte crystal. By attuning to it, you'll be able to teleport here whenever you need using the Return spell, which immediately brings you back to whichever crystal you have assigned as your home. Every town has one, so be sure to keep an eye out for new ones!

Looks like more people need a hand.

Before running off, there are more people in the plaza in need of your assistance, including Ahldskyf with an information delivery and J'nasshym who has a delivery of her own for a secret group known simply as the Dutiful Sisters...

Well, we all have to start somewhere, right?

Goblins have the most amusing manner of speech.

Cross the plaza and you'll find two more objectives. The first is a goblin offering a quest by the name of Sweetnix Rosycheeks. You'll have to deliver a letter, but before that you have another task to finish up.

Just behind Sweetnix is Glazrael, so you may as well continue that quest as you enter East Hawker's Alley.

It's nice when quests are bundled together.

Enter the hallway and you'll find all manner of shops and services. Many are of little use to you now, but don't shy away from checking in on a few of them. After all, you may find yourself coming back later.

On the right you'll find a couple of quest points, so be sure to stop by.

Swozblaet covers the marketplace for you.

Talking to Frydwyb and Swozblaet continues their respective questlines, one being finished and the other carrying on. Stick around and Swozblaet will make another request of you, which will conveniently be along the path you are heading anyway.

Complete his quest by speaking to merchants along the way and continue onwards to the Arcanist's Guild on the other side of West Hawker's Alley.

Mealvaan's Gate is just across the bridge.

While here you can continue a couple of quests, depending on your class. If you are an Arcanist, you can continue the main story here. Marauders will have to wait to continue their quest until reaching the Lower Decks. While carrying out Sweetnix's quest, you'll also pick up a new one from P'tahjha that will have you making yet another delivery.

Don't worry, we'll get to the Dutiful Sisters soon.

After turning in and picking up quests as necessary, turn around and head back to the plaza. There is no further business in Hawker's Alley, but drop by Sweetnix back in the plaza to complete his task.

Continue forward to Sundhimal to continue with his quest, now taking us at last to the Upper Decks.

Map transitions, such as the Lowers Decks to the Upper Decks, is shown as a blue line of dots. Just walk right on through!
An errand boy's job is never done...

You'll find yourself just outside the Bismarck once you head through the gate, and just to your left will be none other than H'lahono with yet another request for you.

Fortunately this, like many of these quests, is right along the way you were heading already.

To be fair, it is a pretty scenic route.

The Bismarck, also known as the Culinarian's Guild, can be entered through a door to the left. Or you could take a slightly longer route around the right to take in more of the sights.

Either way, you'll find more quest targets in the back corner of the diner... Including more legwork offered by Latisha.

There are so many bridges in Limsa Lominsa.

It is time to wrap up the initial mission placed on us. Remember those three tasks given to us by Baderon? While Arcanists are finished by this point, Marauders are not.

Take the upper bridge away from the Bismarck and head over to the Seventh Sage, an herb store that happens to have some shady patrons hanging out with a shady request for you.

From there, just head north to find the guild.

Actually yes, there is a lot you can help me with.

At the most northern point of the map you'll find Coral Tower, which is where both the Yellowjackets are headquartered as well as where you'll find the Marauder's Guild. Not only will Marauders be able to complete their third task, but plenty of quests will have you continuing through here by speaking to various people along the left side of the room...

And of course, Ginnade will have yet another task to add on to the pile.

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